Materials List

Abiding Angelfish

Acquaint Fate

Activated Starshroom

Adhigama Wood

Adventure EXP

Adventurer's Experience

A Flower Yet to Bloom

Agent's Sacrificial Knife

Agnidus Agate Chunk

Agnidus Agate Fragment

Agnidus Agate Gemstone

Agnidus Agate Sliver

Aizen Medaka

Ajilenakh Nut

Akai Maou

Ako's Sake Vessel


Alien Life Core



Amakumo Fruit

Amethyst Lump

Anemo Sigil

Angled Drop Bottle


Aralia Wood

Artificed Dynamic Gear

Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelia

Artificed Spare Clockwork Component — Coppelius

Ashen Aratiku Wood

Ashen Heart

Ash Wood

Athel Wood

Axis of the Secret Source

Azure Obsidian Fragment

Azure Obsidian Ring


Bamboo Segment

Bamboo Shoot

Basalt Pillar



Beryl Conch


Bewildering Broadleaf

Big Pretty Crystal

Birch Wood

Bird Egg

Bit of Aerosiderite

Bitter Pufferfish

Black Bronze Horn

Black Crystal Horn

Blazing Heartfeather Bass

Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Hesitance

Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Resolve

Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Splendor

Blazing Sacrificial Heart's Terror

Blessing of the Welkin Moon - New Moon

Bloodjade Branch

Blue Dye

Borderland Bow Billet

Borderland Catalyst Billet

Borderland Claymore Billet

Borderland Polearm Billet

Borderland Sword Billet

Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang

Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth

Boreal Wolf's Milk Tooth

Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia


Brilliant Chrysanthemum

Brilliant Diamond Chunk

Brilliant Diamond Fragment

Brilliant Diamond Gemstone

Brilliant Diamond Sliver

Broken Goblet of the Pristine Sea

Brown Shirakodai


Butterfly Wings



Cake for Traveler

Cake for Traveler

Cake for Traveler

Cake for Traveler

Cake for Traveler

Calla Lily

Cam and Cables of Law



Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator

Chaos Axis

Chaos Bolt

Chaos Circuit

Chaos Core

Chaos Device

Chaos Gear

Chaos Module

Chaos Oculus

Chaos Storage

Chapter of an Ancient Chord

Chasmlight Fin


Chenyu Adeptea

Chilled Meat

Chonky Cat Bottle

Chunk of Aerosiderite

Cleansing Heart

Clearwater Jade

Cloudseam Scale

Coffee Beans

Companionship EXP

Concealed Claw

Concealed Talon

Concealed Unguis

Condensed Resin

Condessence Crystal

Congealed Pupa Wax

Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew

Coral Branch of a Distant Sea

Cor Lapis


Crab Roe


Crimson Obsidian Fragment

Crimson Obsidian Ring

Crown of Insight

Cryo Sigil

Crystal Chunk

Crystal Core


Crystalline Bloom

Crystalline Cyst Dust

Crystal Marrow

Crystal Prism

Cuihua Wood

Cultivation Area Expansion (I)

Cultivation Area Expansion (II)

Cultivation Area Expansion (III)

Cultivation Area Expansion (IV)

Cultivation Area Expansion (V)

Cultivation Area Expansion (VI)

Cultivation Area Expansion (VII)

Cypress Wood

Daka's Bell

Damaged Mask

Damaged Prism

Dandelion Bookmark

Dandelion Seed

Dark Statuette


Dead Ley Line Branch

Dead Ley Line Leaves

Deathly Statuette

Debris of Decarabian's City

Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord

Delirious Demeanor of the Sacred Lord

Delirious Desolation of the Sacred Lord

Delirious Divinity of the Sacred Lord


Dendro Sigil

Denial and Judgment

Desiccated Shell

Dew of Repudiation

Dismal Prism

Divda Ray

Divine Body from Guyun

Diving Rapidfighting Fish

Divining Scroll

Dormant Fungal Nucleus

Dragonheir's False Fin

Dragon Lord's Crown

Dream of Scorching Might

Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator

Dream Solvent

Dried Fish

Drop of Tainted Water

Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop

Dusk Sunfish

Dust of Azoth

Dvalin's Claw

Dvalin's Plume

Dvalin's Sigh

Echo of an Ancient Chord

Echo of Scorching Might

Eel Meat

Electro Crystal

Electro Sigil

Elemental Dust

Embercore Flower

Emberglow Bait

Emperor's Balsam

Emperor's Resolution

Energy Nectar

Enhancement Ore

Ensnaring Gaze

Eroded Horn

Eroded Scale-Feather

Eroded Sunfire

Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop


Everflame Seed

Evergloom Ring

"Exalted Earth"


Faded Red Satin

Fading Candle

Fake Fly Bait

False Worm Bait

Famed Handguard

Feathery Fin

Fermented Juice

Festering Dragon Marrow

Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator

Fine Enhancement Ore

Firm Arrowhead

Fir Wood


Flaming Flower Stamen

Flammabomb Wood

Flashing Maintenance Mek Bait

Floral Rapidfighting Fish


Flowhorn Flounderfinder

Fluorescent Fungus

Fontemer Unihorn

Forbidden Curse Scroll

Foreign Synapse

Formalo Ray

Fossilized Bone Shard


Fragile Bone Shard

Fragment of a Golden Melody

Fragment of an Ancient Chord

Fragment of Decarabian's Epic

"Fragments of Innocence"

Fragrant Cedar Wood

Fragrant Seasoning


Fruit Paste Bait

Fungal Spores

Geo Sigil

Gilded Scale

Glabrous Beans

Glaze Lily

Glaze Medaka

Gloomy Statuette

Glowgrass Bait

Glowing Gem

Glowing Hornshroom

Gnostic Hymn - Old Notes

Golden Branch of a Distant Sea

Golden Goblet of the Pristine Sea

Golden Koi

Golden Raven Insignia

Golden Talisman of the Forest Dew

Gold Gild and Emerald

Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core

Gorgeous Gem Bottle


Grain of Aerosiderite

Green Obsidian Fragment

Green Obsidian Ring

Greenwave Sunfish

Guide to Admonition

Guide to Ballad

Guide to Conflict

Guide to Contention

Guide to Diligence

Guide to Elegance

Guide to Equity

Guide to Freedom

Guide to Gold

Guide to Ingenuity

Guide to Justice

Guide to Kindling

Guide to Light

Guide to Order

Guide to Praxis

Guide to Prosperity

Guide to Resistance

Guide to Transience

Halcyon Jade Axe Marlin


Harra Fruit

Heart of the Secret Source

Heartstopping Heart Bottle

Heavy Horn

Hellfire Butterfly

Henna Berry

Hero's Wit

Hoarfrost Core


Hunter's Sacrificial Knife

Hunting Trap

Hurricane Seed

Hydro Sigil

Ignited Seed of Life

Ignited Seeing Eye

Ignited Stone

Illusory Leafcoil

Improved Alchemy Cauldron (I)

Improved Alchemy Cauldron (II)

Improved Alchemy Cauldron (III)

Improved Alchemy Cauldron (IV)

Inactivated Fungal Nucleus

Inspector's Sacrificial Knife

Intertwined Fate

Iron Chunk

Iron Talisman of the Forest Dew

Jade Branch of a Distant Sea

Jade Heartfeather Bass


Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea

Jubilant Feather

Jueyun Chili

Juvenile Fang

Juvenile Jade

Kageuchi Handguard

Kalpalata Lotus

Karmaphala Wood

Key Sigil

Key Sigil

Key Sigil

Key Sigil

Key Sigil

Lakelight Lily

Lantern Fiber

Lavender Melon

Lazurite Axe Marlin

Ley Line Sprout

Lieutenant's Insignia

Light Guiding Tetrahedron

Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom

Lightless Mass

Lightless Silk String

Lightning Prism

Light Realm Core

Light Realm Sigil

Linden Wood

Lizard Tail

Loach Pearl

Locus of a Clear Will

Lotus Head

Lucky Coin

Lumidouce Bell

Luminescent Pollen

Luminescent Spine

Luminous Sands from Guyun


Lunar Fin

Lunged Stickleback

Lustrous Stone from Guyun

Magical Crystal Chunk

Magma Rapidfighting Fish

Maintenance Mek: Gold Leader

Maintenance Mek: Initial Configuration

Maintenance Mek: Platinum Collection

Maintenance Mek: Situation Controller

Maintenance Mek: Water Body Cleaner

Majestic Hooked Beak

Mallow Wood

Maple Wood


Marionette Core

Marked Shell

Mark of the Binding Blessing

Martens' Omni-Fix

Mask of Memories

Mask of the Kijin

Mask of the One-Horned

Mask of the Tiger's Bite

Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant

Masterless Stardust

Masterless Starglitter

Match Invitation Letter


Mechanical Spur Gear


Medium Pretty Crystal

Meshing Gear

Midlander Bow Billet

Midlander Catalyst Billet

Midlander Claymore Billet

Midlander Polearm Billet

Midlander Sword Billet



Mirror of Mushin

Mist Flower Corolla

Mist Grass

Mist Grass Pollen

Mist Grass Wick

Mist Veiled Gold Elixir

Mist Veiled Lead Elixir

Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir

Mist Veiled Primo Elixir

Molten Moment



Mountain Date Wood

Mourning Flower

Movement of an Ancient Chord

Mudra of the Malefic General


Mysterious Meat

Mystic Enhancement Ore

Nagadus Emerald Chunk

Nagadus Emerald Fragment

Nagadus Emerald Gemstone

Nagadus Emerald Sliver

Naku Weed

Narukami's Affection

Narukami's Joy

Narukami's Valor

Narukami's Wisdom

Narukawa Ukai

Nature's True Fruit

Newborn Tainted Hydro Phantasm

Night-Wind's Mystic Augury

Night-Wind's Mystic Consideration

Night-Wind's Mystic Premonition

Night-Wind's Mystic Revelation

Nilotpala Lotus

Noctilucous Jade

Northlander Bow Billet

Northlander Catalyst Billet

Northlander Claymore Billet

Northlander Polearm Billet

Northlander Sword Billet

Oasis Garden's Kindness

Oasis Garden's Mourning

Oasis Garden's Reminiscence

Oasis Garden's Truth

Ointment of Sight

Olden Days of Scorching Might

Old Handguard

Old Operative's Pocket Watch

Ominous Mask



Operative's Constancy

Operative's Standard Pocket Watch

Original Fish Ointment

Otogi Wood

Overripe Flamegranate


Parasol Talcum

Peach of the Deep Waves

Peach Palm Wood


Perfect Gift Ribbon

Perpetual Caliber

Perpetual Heart

Philanemo Mushroom

Philosophies of Admonition

Philosophies of Ballad

Philosophies of Conflict

Philosophies of Contention

Philosophies of Diligence

Philosophies of Elegance

Philosophies of Equity

Philosophies of Freedom

Philosophies of Gold

Philosophies of Ingenuity

Philosophies of Justice

Philosophies of Kindling

Philosophies of Light

Philosophies of Order

Philosophies of Praxis

Philosophies of Prosperity

Philosophies of Resistance

Philosophies of Transience

Phlogiston Energy Orb for Gathering

Phony Phlogiston Unihornfish

Piece of Aerosiderite


Pine Wood

Plaustrite Shard

Pluie Lotus

Plume of Purifying Light

Plume of the Changing Winds

Polarizing Prism



Primordial Greenbloom

Prithiva Topaz Chunk

Prithiva Topaz Fragment

Prithiva Topaz Gemstone

Prithiva Topaz Sliver

Pseudoshark Unihornfish



Puppet Strings

Purple Obsidian Fragment

Purple Obsidian Ring

Purple Shirakodai

Pyro Sigil


Quelled Creeper

Quenepa Berry

Radiant Prism


Raimei Angelfish

Rainbow Rose

Raspberry-Red Flying Flower Feather

Raw Meat

Recruit's Insignia

Red Dye

Redrot Bait

Refractive Bud

Relic from Guyun

Remnant Glow of Scorching Might

Resplendent as a Crystalfly


Rich Red Brocade

Riftborn Regalia

Rift Core

Rime-Worn Crystal

Rime-Worn Fragment

Ring of Boreas

Rippling Heartfeather Bass

Robust Fungal Nucleus

Romaritime Flower

Ruined Hilt

Rukkhashava Mushrooms

Runic Fang

Rusty Koi

Sakura Bloom

Sales Expansion Contract


Sanctifying Elixir

Sandbearer Wood

Sand Grease Pupa

Sandstorm Angler

Sango Pearl

Saurian Claw Succulent

Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle



Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream

Scoop of Tainted Water

Scorched Starshroom

Scroll of the Fiery Firmament

Sea Ganoderma


Sealed Scroll

Seasoned Fang

Sentry's Wooden Whistle


Sergeant's Insignia

Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator

Shadow of the Warrior

Shard of a Foul Legacy

Shard of a Shattered Will

Sharp Arrowhead

Sheath of the Secret Source

Shimmering Nectar

Shivada Jade Chunk

Shivada Jade Fragment

Shivada Jade Gemstone

Shivada Jade Sliver

Shop Decoration: Blooming Atmosphere

Shop Decoration: Blooming Morale

Shop Decoration: Portentous Potions

Shop Decoration: Potent Potions

Shop Decoration: Prismatic Effects

Shrimp Meat

Shuttle of Odara

Sigil of a Striding Will

Silken Feather

Silken Print

Silk Flower

Silver Goblet of the Pristine Sea

Silver Lotus

Silver Raven Insignia

Silver Talisman of the Forest Dew

Slime Concentrate

Slime Condensate

Slime Secretions

Small Lamp Grass

Small Pretty Crystal

Smoked Fish

Smoked Fowl

Smoldering Pearl



Sour Bait

Spectral Heart

Spectral Husk

Spectral Nucleus


Spinel Fruit

Spinelgrain Bait

Spirit Locket of Boreas

Splintered Hilt

Sprayfeather Gill

Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop

Spring of the First Dewdrop

Stained Mask




Still-Smoldering Hilt

Storm Beads

Strange Tooth

Streaming Axe Marlin

Sturdy Bone Shard

Sturdy Shell

Subdetection Unit

Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop


Sugardew Bait

Sumeru Rose

Sunset Cloud Angler


Super-Duper Invincible Shining Sparkly Magic Crystal

Surging Sacred Chalice

Sweet Flower

Sweet-Flower Medaka

"Swirling Scene in a Bottle"

Tail of Boreas

Talisman of the Enigmatic Land

Teachings of Admonition

Teachings of Ballad

Teachings of Conflict

Teachings of Contention

Teachings of Diligence

Teachings of Elegance

Teachings of Equity

Teachings of Freedom

Teachings of Gold

Teachings of Ingenuity

Teachings of Justice

Teachings of Kindling

Teachings of Light

Teachings of Order

Teachings of Praxis

Teachings of Prosperity

Teachings of Resistance

Teachings of Transience

Tea-Colored Shirakodai

Tears of the Calamitous God

The Cornerstone of Stars and Flames

The Meaning of Aeons

"The Sea's Silent Shade"

"The Visible Winds"

Thunderclap Fruitcore


Tile of Decarabian's Tower



Torch Wood

"Tourbillon Device"

Tranquil Bay Bottle

Transoceanic Chunk

Transoceanic Pearl

Treasured Flower

Treasure Hoarder Insignia

Trimmed Red Silk


True Fruit Angler

Turbid Prism

Tusk of Monoceros Caeli

Tyrant's Fang

Ultra-Hot Burner Lamp Test Model

Unfading Silky Grace

Vajrada Amethyst Chunk

Vajrada Amethyst Fragment

Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone

Vajrada Amethyst Sliver


Varunada Lazurite Chunk

Varunada Lazurite Fragment

Varunada Lazurite Gemstone

Varunada Lazurite Sliver

Vayuda Turquoise Chunk

Vayuda Turquoise Fragment

Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone

Vayuda Turquoise Sliver

Venomspine Fish

Vial of Adeptal Speed



Vitalized Dragontooth

Voucher Box

Wanderer's Advice

Wanderer's Blooming Flower

Warrior's Metal Whistle

Water That Failed To Transcend


Weathered Arrowhead


White Chestnut Oak Wood

White Iron Chunk

Whopperflower Nectar

Wick Material

Wilderness Rod


Windwheel Aster

Windwheel Aster's Aroma

Wine Goblet of the Pristine Sea


Withering Purpurbloom


Worldspan Fern

Xenochromatic Crystal

Yellow Dye

Yellow Obsidian Fragment

Yellow Obsidian Ring

Yumemiru Wood

Zaytun Peach

Abiding Angelfish
A rare and valuable butterflyfish variant from Liyue. At present, it can only be found near water bodies around the abodes of the adepti. Its pale white lines are very striking, and it has greater longevity than other members of the species and is thus regarded to be a lucky fish blessed by the adepti. Most people from Liyue will refuse to eat this fish on principle, given the common respect for the adepti, but some fear no such superstition and claim that eating these fish can help one extend one's years.